
CertifiKID Deals

By Cate Camacho, Publisher of January 19, 2015

You may have heard our recent, super exciting announcement, that Macaroni KID has joined forces with CertifiKID! Combining the two companies means you'll find the best deals on family-friendly attractions, events, and experiences, as well as kids' classes and activities - both locally and nationally. That is great news for you! We now have this opportunity for your local business to promote through this amazing new outlet.

How CertifiKID Works

There is no upfront cost to partner with CertifiKID! CertifiKID receives a percentage of each offer purchased through our site.

Your business will receive: 

  • CertifiKID Email Campaign
  • CertifiKID Web Campaign

CertifiKID Subscribers

A typical CertifiKID subscriber is an active mom who is:

  • looking for the very best for her family;
  • mobile, engaged on social media, and a trusted resource for her circle of influence; and 
  • loyal, consistently returning to businesses featured on CertifiKID.


  • 79% female
  • 58% between the ages of 35-44
  • 91% have 2+ children under the age of 18

Subscribers in all 50 states.

Ready to get started? Reach out to Cate at