Featured Business, Sponsored Articles and all marketing on Macaroni KID is a targeted, no-waste marketing for your family-friendly business in the Arvada, Golden, Wheat Ridge and closely surrounding areas.
Articles are seen on both the website and in the weekly e-newsletter, on both mobile and desktop.
Your featured or sponsored article is sent to our readers' inboxes in the weekly newsletter.
- Article included in one newsletter.
- Listed on the homepage for at least one week.
- Limited to one article per week, Featured Business Articles are an easy, cost-effective way to reach your target audience.
- Business must be located in the Arvada, Golden, Wheat Ridge and closely surrounding areas.
Featured Business Article Options:
- Expertise Article: Let moms, dads, and caregivers know about open-to-the-public sales and promotions. Include anything else about your business that you would like to share with our readers which falls under the family-friendly umbrella, like new products or community involvement. Invite our readers to connect with your business!
- Business Feature Article: Tell families about your business and why readers should visit!
- Event Article: Let moms, dads, and caregivers know about an event that you are hosting. Give important facts and information and details of the fun that will be happening
- Craft, Recipe, or Science Project Sponsorship: Write a tutorial for a craft, recipe or science project. Each week a craft and recipe is included in the newsletter. Write a tutorial for a craft, recipe or science project including pictures and/or videos, and include a paragraph or two about your business.
- "Short and sweet" is always best with our Macaroni KID readers. They are busy raising kids, so keep it fun and easy to read. Bullet points are a great option.
- 500 words or less.
- 1-2 lead images needed. Image size 1200 x 840 px or landscape orientation works best.
Featured Business/Sponsored Examples
- Escape a Chilly Winter Day at Urban Air Adventure Park in Westminster
- Kumon: Daily Math & Reading Program
- Summer is Out, School is ON, Swimming is IN!
- My Real Life Comparison: Dream Dinners vs. At Home Cook and Prep
Pricing varies. Contact the Cate catherinec@macaronikid.com for pricing and package options.