
MOPS Golden, CO (First Baptist Church)

1805 Washington AveEmail: mopsgolden@gmail.comWebsite: Visit Website

A MOPS meeting includes practical teaching through speakers, demonstrations and videos. We often do fun, stress-relieving crafts and service projects. Plus, there's usually food... food you didn't make! But more importantly, you'll get to have honest conversations with other moms who understand the joys and frustrations of motherhood. At MOPS we unwind, build friendships, and share life. We would love to meet you and hear your story! 

Sickness, mask, and baby policies

Sickness: Please remain home if you have any symptoms of any illness. (Allergies are ok.)

Masks: Please plan to wear a mask while in transit (e.g. before getting settled, while walking to/from the bathroom, after being dismissed, etc.). Once seated and socially distanced, you will be free to take off your mask. 

Babies: Please feel free to bring nursing infants! However, we ask that, if possible, you leave mobile babies at home. Your child will have to remain in your immediate vicinity throughout the duration of our meetings, so crawlers and older will likely not be well-suited to MOPS this year. :(