
WEDNESDAYS | Mountair Park Community Farm ~ Lakewood

5600 W 13th AveLakewood, CO 80214Website: Visit Website Google Map

In 2024 we paused food production at Mountair Park Community Farm, and are hosting Andrea’s No-Cost Market from May - September!  Come pick up free food on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays from 2-4pm.  Dates are posted on our calendar.

Mountair Park Community Farm is a 1.5-acre organic vegetable farm established in spring of 2014 in partnership with the City of Lakewood.  It is located at the corner of 13th & Depew St. in the SE corner of Mountair Park, adjacent to the W line light rail tracks, bike path, and 40West Arts District ArtLine.

The farm was built in response to residents’ request for more access to fresh, healthy food and community gathering space in the neighborhood.  A Community Advisory Committee composed of neighborhood stakeholders and partner organizations helps guide expansion of the Mountair Park Community Farm and its programs.